速報APP / 財經 / Bitcoin Crypto Ticker - BTC

Bitcoin Crypto Ticker - BTC



檔案大小:35.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。 Apple TV.


Bitcoin Crypto Ticker - BTC(圖1)-速報App

Bitcoin Ticker by MoneyCoach is the simplest and best looking Bitcoin price ticker.

Tracks in real time the price in multiple currencies. Swipe left to check the closing price for​ the last 2 weeks.

Sporting a minimalist look, Bitcoin Ticker is the latest application under the MoneyCoach brand.

Totally FREE and most importantly, totally AD-FREE since we, like you, hate ads.

Supported currencies:

- US Dollar (USD)

- Bitcoin (BTC)

- Euro (EUR)

Bitcoin Crypto Ticker - BTC(圖2)-速報App

- Australian Dollar (AUD)

- Chinese Yen (CNY)

- British Pound (GBP)

- Canadian Dollar (CAD)

- Japanese Yen (JPY)

- Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)

- Singapore Dollar (SGD)

Download the Apple Watch companion app to keep track in real time the price of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Crypto Ticker - BTC(圖3)-速報App

Find us also on Apple TV!

More features to be added.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch